Thursday, September 15, 2011

Das Beer Boot Music Video

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Got Creative!

So I know its ending up that I am posting about once a month, and with summer right around the corner Im not sure if it will increase or not, but we can be hopeful right?! :)

Since the last time I posted I have kept quite busy. I decided to tackle the use of my sewing machine again and created a nice Bible cover for my own personal Bible. I now have others requesting I make them one too! So if interested send me the dimensions of your Bible and I'll be happy to make you one :) Below are pictures of what I used and how it turned out. I hope to get better at taking pics of the step by step stuff so you can follow along a bit better!

I have also kept busy (since my last post) with loads of yard work and gardening. I wish I had pictures but Im afraid I dont. I dug up a plot in our yard just outside my bedroom, back door :) Im hoping something grows, but it may have to wait until next year. It was a last minute decision to attempt one this year and I think it might have been just a little too last minute to get anything of any consequence. But I was lucky enough to help my aunt and uncle (and my cousins) with their garden this year, and with my visits up north to their farm this summer Im hoping to enjoy their garden if mine chooses not to take off. After all, its all part of the learning process ;) As for the rest of the yard I have big plans. It needs a big remodel and Im hoping little by little this summer it will come together :) Some new sod in places, a hammock, a fire pit, and nice looking flowers and shrubs. The goal is to have friends and family over to enjoy BBQs during the summer evenings :)

Amongst Sewing, yard work, and gardening I have also started assisting a fellow photographer in covering weddings. As of right now, I have one scheduled for at least once a month up through September. I'm looking at them as practice runs, getting ready for my own booking in September for my friend Kerry's wedding in the mid-west! I will try to post some photos from each shoot, hopefully showing my improvement along the way! Below is a wedding we shot this past Saturday. I hope you like :) I would love your thoughts on them so please share!

So far my summer schedule is filling up fast with lots of opportunities. My goal is to post something about as much of it as I can! Until next time!

God Bless!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Ah another beautiful day today! After a late night of encouragement and conversation I woke up today inspired. I hope to get out and have a photo shoot as well as get more creative with my sewing machine. Also on the hunt for a new job so I must send in some more applications. God does amazing things both big and small when life gets hard. Blessings are bestowed upon us all the time even when we cannot see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. A friend shared this with me last night and I want to share it with you. It inspires me to jump into the word more and truly build my armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-12
A final word: Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule the world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

I hope you find encouragement as I have. And I hope you look forward to the creative posts I will bring back after todays outings!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Birthday Inspiration

Ok, so I've finally taken some new photos! My birthday was at the beginning of the month and a dear friend of mine came out to visit. We decided to head north a little, up to my aunt and uncles farm here in Colorado. I was the first to wake the morning of my birthday. I got up and took a look outside and was just moved to go take pictures. Everything was frosted and the fog had been rolling in. These are some of the pictures I took that very morning :)

What do you think?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh the Possibilities!

Well, trying to get back into the swing of things! Got a sewing machine for Christmas, and was super excited about creating all sorts of things, but instead ended up sick for over a month with various of things. So now that I am getting back into the swing of life again, I am getting excited with loads of projects to come!

With inspiration looming, I decided to spruce my already created photography website. Do check it out if you haven't yet ( My goal was to make it more appealing and inviting for all to see. I have also been blessed with the request to shoot a wedding in the fall. The wedding is in Illinois, not to far from St. Louis Missouri for a dear, dear, friend from college and her beloved fiance!  I am truly starting to see the blessings role on in. I also contacted a fellow photographer and student about assisting her with some of the jobs she has booked for this summer. My goal is to really start getting my name out there and to gain real experience. I hope that the experience will turn into some of my best work ever once Kerry's wedding roles around in September. She is such a close friend and I wouldn't want nothing but the best for her!

With my photography inching its way back into my life again, I can't help and think about all the other inspirations I have and really want to share. At the beginning of February I was invited to a pre-valentines party. It ended up being a delicious and fun experience for me which I hope enjoy again sometime soon. With this party I said to myself, "what better way to test out my sewing machine then to make simple vday gifts for all the ladies attending the party?" So I did just that! I made each of them  a rice bag to help with the aches and pains of life, as well as simple matching pull bag for trinkets, glasses, or random items you never know what to do with. They ended up being such a hit that some of the men in these ladies lives have requested rice bags of their own! The complements keep coming in about how much they all love them. So here's my thought! I want to continue to create things that make those who either receive them as gifts or choose to buy them, feel that they are truly getting something they can't live without! Not just because its the item itself but because it was made from the heart and made with purpose! The goal is to eventually provide my creations for people to buy because they want something with purpose but don't have a creative bone in their body to do so themselves. Because lets face it, we all have our own gifts and gifts are meant to be shared!

So, until my next post... keep a look out for projects to start appearing with all this inspiration brewing. Photographs are on their way as I can't wait to start sharing my gifts with you!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well here I am world, giving you my thoughts, opinions, and creativity! I am here to share with you where my sewing, photography, study of scripture, and day to day endeavors bring me. I hope my inspiration brings you inspiration!
